Saturday, May 27, 2006

Living Away from Home

I came here to study in TAFE International Western Australia and took Multimedia course. This is my first time experience away from my family and friends where distance is thousands of miles. No idea of what my life could be without them. As i recall the moment when i am about to leave, I was in the airport waiting in the boarding area then i don't know why i start crying like a little gal while talking to my closest friends on a mobile phone. My tears keep falling until I entered the plane. The time when i arrived here, I was amazed of the huge land of australia; such a beautiful place. Then I told to myself "I gonna love this place, no regrets no regrets.." Well, those are just one of my unforgettable moments.

I am currently here in Perth with lots of untouched natural scenery and must-see destinations like their breathtaking brilliant beaches. I will post some photos here later. I like the lifestyle and manner of their living. The aussie food is nutritious with salad veggies and freshly squeezed fruit juices every meal since people here are very much health conscious which is also a good thing to adopt. As you enter their grocery shop you can see all their milk and dairy products labeled as either "low fat" or "cholesterol free".

No traffic! I can go to school without stress. Aussie people are warm and friendly even the bus driver sometimes would ask me "ei lab how are you?" but there's nothing intimate okay. hehe..

I really like the school with their hi-tech facilities and computer labs. In the library, you can borrow not only books but also digicam, video cam, cd's, etc. My life is totally different now. I'm not the same gal that you know before but of course, for the better. I've learned to work independently, strive hard to achieve my goals and no matter how hard it gets, i still hold on and do my best. So now i realized, it's all a matter of perspective.

And I owe all of this to my family.